Student Services
Team Overview: Waterville Valley Elementary School offers individualized programs and services to students with special needs. Individualized Education Plans are prepared with the involvement of parents/guardians who are regarded as full partners in the educational process. Emphasis is placed on maximizing academic progress in basic skill areas and in developing compensatory skills. Speech-language services, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are also available to eligible students. If you have any concerns about your child's learning, please reach out to our special educator.
Special Education Faculty
Tara Talamini, Special Educator -
Beth Harrington, School Counselor -
Cathie Nigro, Speech Pathologist -
Rex Burnett, School Psychologist
About Our Team
Tara Talamini
Special Education Teacher K-8 M.Ed.
As a special educator, I work with students in a variety of areas to support academics. Special Education case managers and paraprofessionals work with the classroom teachers in planning and providing appropriate individual services to students with disabilities who are found eligible for specialized instruction. Services may include but are not limited to modifications, direct intervention, in class support, homework check-in, organizational support and co-taught classes. All students with Individualized Education Plans have access to the general education curriculum as much as possible. Related Services may include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing support, psychological services, and rehabilitative assistance.
The goal of all teachers in SAU# 48 and Waterville Valley Elementary School is to provide appropriate accommodations, modifications and support for students who qualify for an Individualized Education Plan that promotes and increases independence.
When not at WVES, I enjoy spending time with my family, camping, hiking year round, reading and going to the lake - basically anything outside.
Beth Harrington
School Counselor
Hello, I’m Mrs. Beth Harrington. I’ve been a certified teacher and school counselor in several states across the country and have worked in many diverse schools. I’m excited to be part of the Waterville and Wentworth Communities this year and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.
As a school counselor, I work with all students to assist in growing their individual academic, career, and social/emotions skills. Additionally, I continue to stay on top of current best practices in school counseling through state and local associations. Supportive services include individual or small group work with students, and classroom guidance lessons on various topics.
I also serve as the school 504 Coordinator and McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison.
When I'm not working, I’m outside walking, hiking or visiting a beach with my family.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns by calling the school number or by emailing me at
Wentworth Elementary Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Waterville Elementary Hours: Tuesday and Friday
Plymouth Regional High School Program of Studies

Catherine Nigro MA, Ed.; MS, CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathology/English Language Instructor (ELL)
As a speech-language pathologist, I work with students in a variety of areas that impact communication. These areas include articulation, fluency (stuttering), receptive and expressive language, social language, reading, and writing. If you have any concerns about your child's speech and/or language acquisition, do not hesitate to reach out.
ELL services are federally recognized for students who are newcomers to the United States and/or are bilingual based on languages that are heard or spoken in the home. Students are often screened at the beginning of the year. If they are found to be eligible, they will receive ELL support until their English proficiency is at an advanced-intermediate level, and the student is able to be successful in the school environment. For more information, please visit ELL - SAU 48.
Outside of school I enjoy traveling, reading, boating, skiing, and spending time on the river with family and friends.